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Yoni Steam $ 70
Yoni Steaming  ( yoni is the sanskript word for womb also means Sacred Space ).
The Sanskript meaning of Yoni is the place of birth , the source of life, the divine passage.
Yoni is the entire womb, the uterus, vulva, vagina, also known as V Steam, is an ancient holistic practice in which a women uses the gentle warmth of a herbal steam to permeate the exterior of her vagina.
The reason we yoni steam is to promote circulation and flow of energy to the womb and pelvic area.
Steaming alone without herbs can be beneficial, but because the vaginal tissues are so absorbent , adding organic herbs blends , increases the healing potential of yoni steaming .
Yoni steaming has a vast history in many cultures from Asia to Africa, the Caribbean and more.
Women have been using yoni steams to help strengthen the reproductive system , regulate cycles, detox toxins and relieve infections . Our life force begins in our yoni and when the wellness of our womb is remiss it shows in all aspects of our lives.
Yoni steaming is performed by steeping herbs in a pot ,just as you would a herbal tea. The pot is then placed under a chair with a hole in the centre , then you sit over the pot of herbs allowing the herbal steam  to permeate the vagina . The herbs all have incredible healing properties from cleansing to disinfecting all of which may help with the following :
Regulation of Ph balance,
Menstrual cycle regulation ( cycle that are too long 30 or more days or too short , less then 26)
Reduces uterine stagnation (brown blood before or after period)
Postpartum healing
Bacterial vaginosis healing
Treats yeast infections
Increases fertility
Miscarriage healing
Vaginal odor
Abortion healing
Treats UTIS
Strenthening and toning of vaginal walls
Vaginal dryness
Low libido
Possible healing of fibroids, endometriosis, cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease , polycystic ovary syndrome
PMS symptoms , cramps, bloating
Ovulation pain